The Durango is just about ready for pickup. Only thing missing are a couple of brackets for the tow bar, and those should be arriving soon. Decided to pull out and head back towards Salem and Albany, hoping that the Durango will be ready to go this weekend or Monday at the latest. Also, I have some online connections I call the Cougar Girls (Laura and Karen) who live in the area and we are planning an impromptu together for the weekend. Laura is the one who recommended the RV dealer and they both helped my find things to do while in Oregon.
On the way back, I stopped at Multnomah Falls for some photos and a little exercise. The climb to the top is a little over a mile and you gain about 750 feet in the process. It was a good cardio workout. I saw several folks quit before reaching the top. I followed a trail of cigarette butts most of the way, but those ran out about 3/4 of the way up. Hope you enjoy the view.