Heather Meadows – North Cascades National Park
Moved around the sound, through Olympia, Tacoma and Seattle and moved up to Bingham to camp for a few days. On the 7th I went into North Cascade NP and on up the mountain to Heather Meadows another sub-alpine area with a spectacular view of Mount Baker. There are several good hikes in this area and lots of good photo opportunities. There is also a good location for skiing and snow-shoeing as well. I could have spent more than just an afternoon here.
On Tuesday, I left the RV behind and went north to spend a day in Vancouver BC. Little did I know it would take me almost two hours to get through customs. Apparently, I set off the red flags and had to move over for inspection. Had to empty my pockets, get frisked, have them toss the gear about in the Durango. They ran my ID and passport a number of times and finally let me go. But not without confiscating my firewood that I have carried the entire trip since Gainesville. I have now been flagged by the BC Canada customs as ‘Michael Owens, the notorious international firewood smuggler’.

God Bless America!!!