
Two days left in to get myself home.  Initially I considered doing a bit more site seeing but then decided that I would be better off making a bee-line for home.  Knowing how much work was left for me to unpack and clean the camper and then getting it moved back to storage I thought that I would be better off leaving my last day of vacation for that.

I am still in no hurry. I avoid the interestate until late in the evening and stick to the back roads.  It makes for a much more relaxing a trip and lots of opportunities to pull off the road whenever I feel compelled to and resting when needed.

I arrive in my drive at about 2:15a Monday morning.

The rest of my day is spent unpacking, cleaning and napping returning the RV back to it’s storage place early that evening.

So the final tally is about 3500 miles driven in about 11 days using about 500 gallons of gas and averaging about 7 miles per gallon.  Do the math and the cost seems out of reach until you consider that the only expenses for over night accommodations came to less than $100 total (3 nights) and meal expense for three meals eating out was only $35 tip included.

Be sure to puruse the photos on flickr.  There should be something there to interest anyone.

Photos on flicker!

Despite the obvious stressful situations with tire blowouts, traffic and deadlines, this was a memorable trip.  Getting to share of a moment of celebration with family and then to be able to enjoy the sites and scenery of Mississippi was well worth the effort.

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