Things that Irma taught me . . .
- I can live without cable TV
- I have kind-hearted neighbors
- Living less than five (5) miles from the power plant makes no difference
- People do not understand basic traffic laws and traffic courtesy
- My refrigerator requires annual purge and cleaning
- I was infinitely more prepared than most people
- I was not as prepared as I could have been
- My Sterno stove works but requires one tin per meal
- Alcohol rejuvenates a used Sterno tin
- Saving old Ice Packs and keeping them frozen was a good idea
- Battery backups are a good idea.
- It is smart to consolidate battery backups and use up only one at a time
- I like moon-rise almost as much as sunrise
- Verizon Rocks!!!
- Move ice into coolers as soon as the power fails. Keeps from having a melting ice mess in the freezer
- A generator is wise to keep a small refrigerator cold.