Day138 Hungry Horse MT – Sep 25

  Glacier National Park
Went into Glacier NP today and took two radically different hikes.  First drove up the mountain as far as I could go to Logan Pass on the ‘Going Into the Sun’ Road.  The NPS has the road closed from here east while performing some major reconstruction of this 75- year-old road.

The first hike was a snow hike.  One and a half miles and about a 200 foot elevation change in about a foot of snow.  About halfway up I noticed some very fresh tracks and sign in the snow.  They seemed fairly fresh, but I had little idea how fresh.  Once I reached the overlook to Hidden Lake, everyone was chattering about the Mountain Goats that had just passed by.  It turns out that I was pushing a foursome, including a male goat up the mountain in front of me.  I was the only one who saw sign, and unfortunately the only one that did not get to see those responsible.

The second hike came after lunch and was about a 3.5 mile pull up about 500 feet in elevation.  The trail follows Avalanche Creek all the way up to Avalanche Lake which is formed by four waterfalls descending from Sperry Glacier.  Check out the Aster photo.  Wow!!!

Waterton (CAN) Glacier (USA) np

Waterton (CAN) Glacier (USA) NP

Waterton (CAN) Glacier (USA) NP

Snow hike to Hidden Lake

Snow hike to Hidden Lake

Snow hike to Hidden Lake

Logan Pass

Logan Pass

Fall Colors at Glacier NP

Waterfalls draining into Avalanche Lake

Mountain Aster

Avalanche Creek

Avalanche Falls

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