
What the heck is a Prepper?!?  A Prepper is a group of people who “Prepare” for disasters and their personal survival.  Planning and purchasing what they might need in advance to avoid panic, long lines, price gouging, hunger or worse.

For some, this is very serious business and they spend a great deal of time and money prepping for the worse case scenarios.  I take a much more subtle approach.  My underlying philosophy is to prepare as if I have to do without for various periods of time and what I need to survive the emergency.  I am not preparing for the holocaust, WW III or a horror movie pandemic.  I am prepping to take care of me (and perhaps others) long enough for things to return to normal.

The following pages will further expand on this approach as I organize and acquire what I will need to “survive”.  I hope that you find this information helpful and useful in guiding your own efforts to be a bit better prepared.