As an old backpacker, I have a handful of unique skillsets that translate well to Prepping. One of these is the use of Kits. I use Kits as a way to organize my gear and minimize what I carry while also ensuring that I have what I need when I need it. I can also grab what I need and quickly pack for an impromptu outing.
For instance, I have a Cook Kit that is essentially home made. In this Cook Kit I include the following.
- Cook Pot (2 cups) w/ Lid & Coozy
- Super Cat Alcohol Stove
- Insulated Drinking Cup (1 cup) w/ Coozy
- Spork
- Small Scrubbing Sponge
- Small Bic Lighter
- Stove Fuel (Alcohol)
This all fits nicely together into one compact unit, the coozies keep everything from banging around in my pack and insulate my pot and cup. With this simple package I have everything I need to boil water, make a hot drink, a hot meal, eat and cleanup.
With other Kits similarly constructed (First Aid, Toilet, Toiletries, Repair, Survival, etc.) I can quickly pack everything I need for backpacking, biking, canoeing, hiking, kayaking or even Emergency Evacuation.
My kits are all meant for one person. For the purposes of Prepping, they can be expanded as needed or made in the appropriate quantities to accommodate additional people.