I mentioned earlier that supermarkets will ultimately run short on water supplies prior to a severe weather event. So instead of waiting, I stock up on water all year long.
For example, each month on my first visit to the supermarket, I buy one (1) gallon of water for each person in the household. At home, I will mark the jug with the date and year and at it to my stored supply. I remove the oldest jug in inventory and use that gallon for cooking, drinking or cleaning.
I have acquired milk crates for storage and so two (2) of these will store enough water for one (1) person for eight (8) days. Using this method my stored water is never older than eight (8) months old.
I also have two (2) five-gallon water jugs that I can fill when anticipating a possible water shortage. Hurricane preparedness guides also recommend filling tubs and sinks in advance in order to have water for cleaning and flushing toilets